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Two-way Communication with Uhuu SDK

Share information back and forth between template and uhuu editor using Uhuu SDK.
Here are some examples of React code snippets and concepts to help you get started:


Request uhuu editor to show an edit dialog using global $uhuu object.

// React Props and Component Composition:
const Sample = (props) => {
  return (
    // Show an edit dialog (in uhuu editor) and save changes to 'title' path.
    <div onClick={()=>$uhuu.editDialog({path: 'title'})}>{props.title}</div>

When users save changes in the edit dialog, the uhuu editor merges the modifications into the existing payload and then emits new data using payload event.

$uhuu.listen('payload', (data) => {
    // Received new payload data from uhuu editor.    
    console.log(data.title); // new title 

Paged.js Example

When you're rendering HTML with React and building pagination using Paged.js, you might encounter a situation where your elements lose their click handlers.

In this case, we recommend associating 'editDialog' parameters with a 'data-uhuu' attribute on the respective elements, afterwards selecting those elements using the [data-uhuu] selector. For example:

<div data-uhuu={ JSON.stringify({path: 'title'})}>{title}</div>

Following code snippet sets up click event listeners on elements with the data-uhuu attribute and, when clicked, extracts data from this attribute and uses it as an argument for the $uhuu.editDialog function. This enables dialog-based interaction for editing.

// After paged.js preview render
// Listen clicks to elements with "data-uhuu" attribute
document.querySelectorAll("[data-uhuu]").forEach(item => {
    item.addEventListener('click', function() {
      let jsonString = this.getAttribute("data-uhuu");
      let value = JSON.parse(jsonString);

Developers can add dialog interaction indicators using the following CSS in template.

@media screen {
  [data-uhuu] { @apply cursor-pointer hover:outline outline-[#ff44cc] hover:outline-dashed hover:rounded relative; }
  [data-uhuu]:before {
      content: ' ';
      @apply absolute w-4 h-4 bg-[#ff44cc] rounded-t-full rounded-r-full top-0 ml-1 mt-1 opacity-20 transition;
  [data-uhuu]:hover:before { @apply opacity-100 transition; }

This CSS rule can be applied to create visual cues or indicators for dialog interactions in uhuu templates.

Show hover indicators only on screen.

CSS is defined in @media screen { ... } so hover indicators will be hidden while creating PDF.