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Image Edit Dialog

Image Editor

Let's open an image edit dialog with a simple template payload.
For instance, let's consider this JSON payload in the template.

    "title": "Photos by Sven",
    "message": "Amazing shots",
    "url" : ""

React component takes the payload as a prop and displays an image with specific ratio and behavior:

export default ({payload}) => {
  return (    
    <div className="aspect-[4/3]"  onClick={()=>$uhuu.editDialog({path: 'url', type: 'image', ratio: 4/3})}>
        <img className="w-full h-full object-cover" src={payload.url} />

Click action invokes the uhuu editDialog with following parameters:

  • path: specifies that the path to the image data in the payload is under the key 'url'.
  • type: indicates that the data being edited is of type 'image'.
  • ratio: defines the crop ratio '4/3' for cropping the image in the dialog.
  • subPath (optional): Indicates a sub-path relative to the specified path.
  • imagePath (optional): An alias for subPath when editing images, eliminating the need for an extra type definition.

When you have multiple Images, enable image gallery to pick images from

    "title": "Photos by Sven",
    "message": "Amazing shots",
    "url" : "",
    "images" : [

You can enable image gallery by setting up imageGalleryPath option and providing path to look for images in the payload.

    options: {
        imageGalleryPath : 'images'